
This ornamental tree has year round interest. Smooth gray bark brings interest into the landscape in winter, small ribbed fruits in the summer and brilliant colors of yellow, orange and red in the fall. More

Katsura Tree

The Katsura Tree is a beautiful tree that has heart shaped leaves and a delicate, fine texture. Usually sold in clump form, a popular cultivar has a weeping form. The foliage is a soft bluish-green color during the season and turns to a nice yellow or apricot orange color in fall. Sometimes in the fall it produces a scent similar to cotton ... More

Lilac, Japanese Tree


Linden, Redmond

The Redmond Linden grows in a dense, straight, uniform pyramidal habit. The cream-yellow fragrant flowers appear in June. This is an excellent shade tree for lawns, large areas, streets, planters and any place a real quality tree is desired. More

Magnolia, Saucer


Maple, Amur

Amur Maple can be effectively used as a small specimen, patio tree, screen or grouping. This maple is very popular in the east and midwest; and certainly is one of the hardiest. It also seems to do better in shade than many maples. It tends toward multistemmed character which makes it less appropriate as a street tree. It has dark green ... More

Maple, Autumn Blaze


Maple, Crimson King Norway

Rich maroon leaf color throughout the growing season. Probably the most vigorous of all persistent red leaf forms. This tree provides very dense shade, making it hard for plants to grow beneath it. Easy to transplant; well adapted to extremes in soils, will withstand sand, clay, acid to calcareous soils. More

Linden, Greenspire

The Greenspire Linden grows in a straight, uniform pyramidal habit. The fragrant flowers appear in June. This is an excellent dense shade tree for lawns, large areas, streets, planters and any place a real quality tree is desired. More

Crabapple, Clump White


Crabapple, Sargent Tina

Smaller cultivar. Effective as specimen or grouped in the shrub border. More

Dogwood, Corneliancherry

Cornus mas can be effectively used in the shrub border, as a hedge, screen and foundation planting at the corner of a house. Optimum effect is achieved if the plant has a dark green or red background so the early yellow flowers are accentuated. This tree blooms in March. It also has bright red fruit in July and flaky grey-brown bark. Cornus ... More

Fir, Douglas

White fir is a large pyramidal or cone-shaped evergreen trees. Rather slow-growing, these trees prefer moist, well-drained, acid soil and full sun to light shade. Pruning firs should be avoided and thus it is important that they be placed with their mature size in mind. More

Crabapple, Clump Dark Pink

Has fragrant dark pink flowers, pome fruit and attracts birds. More

Crabapple, Golden Raindrops

V shaped with low branches. Green cutleaf gives the tree a delicate texture. Has fragrant white flowers and yellow fruit. Excellent disease resistance. More

Principal Photographer: Linda Oyama Bryan With Additional Photography by Gina Olsen