Magnolia, Star

Star Magnolia is used effectively as a single specimen or accent plant; with its white flowers, it looks outstanding against a red brick background. This plant is often integrated into foundation plantings. More

Dogwood, Kousa

More tolerant than flowering dogwood. Showy pinkish flowers in late spring, early summer. Ornamental mottled bark. Slow grower. More

Magnolia, Jane

Fragrant, showy, bright purple/pink flowers in the late spring. More

Elm, Triumph

Glossy dark green foliage, yellow fall color. Excellent Dutch Elm Disease resistant. More


Serviceberry is one of the most versitle ornamental trees for landscapes. It is a large multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with a rounded crown and many small branches. In the spring before the leaves emerge Serviceberry blooms with white pendulous 2-4" long flowers. In summer the leaves are a medium to dark green and the tree produces an ... More

Spruce, Black Hills

This plant is an ideal choice for an area with space restrictions. It has greenish blue foliage, is slow growing, and does best in sun. More

Spruce, Colorado Blue

This blue to silvery needled evergreen grows in a nice pyramidal shape with strong horizontal branching effects. Care must be taken to give these trees in a large enough space as they get rather large at maturity, up to 60' at maturity in cultivation. This spruce is reliably hardy and adaptable to most sites. Colorado Spruce is nice as a ... More

Spruce, Colorado Green

This green needled evergreen grows in a nice pyramidal shape with strong horizontal branching effects. Care must be taken to give these trees in a large enough space as they get rather large at maturity, up to 60' at maturity in cultivation. This spruce is reliably hardy and adaptable to most sites. Colorado Spruce is nice as a specimen plant ... More


Slow growing, very majestic and beautiful when full grown awkward in its youth. Yellow Fall Color. More

Spruce, Norway

This plant takes a pyramidal shape and is often used as a screen or windbreak. It is adaptable to most sites except those in high temperatures and does best in sun. More

Zelkova Japanese

This vase shaped shade tree is an excellent choice for urban settings and a great substitute for Elms. It has brillant burnt amber color in fall. More

Maple, Emerald Queen Norway

The Emerald Queen Maple is oval-rounded in habit. It grows rapidly and is probably the most popular Norway Maple used in the urban setting. More


Cockspur Hawthorn is a broad-rounded, low branched tree with wide spreading horizontal branches. The tree blooms in May with white flat topped flowers. In September and October the tree sets a deep red berry that persists into late fall. More

Hemlock, Canadian

The Canadian Hemlock is a graceful pyramidal shape. It can be used very effectively as a specimen plant or as a hedge. Unlike most evergreens it is happiest in shade, though it will grow in sun if provided with adequate moisture. This tree is reliably hardy if protected from wind. However, moist heavy soils are not appropriate... soil should ... More


This tree is nice to provide light shade and has a very delicate and sophisticated silhouette. It's a relatively fast grower. Honeylocusts can have very nice yellow fall color and there are even some varieties that have yellow leaves year round. It withstands a wide range of conditions and tolorates drought. More

Principal Photographer: Linda Oyama Bryan With Additional Photography by Gina Olsen